
37 Places to visit in Jaffna

Jaffna region is one of the most attractive towns discovered straight on the northern tip of Sri Lanka. Jaffna is comprehended for its dominant Tamil inhabitants, and the hospitality of the villagers will surely impress any visitor to this area. So if you are scrutinising for a destination that delivers magnificence and excellent hospitality to tourists, then Jaffna should be in your next travel dream.

 37 Places to Visit in Jaffna

This town’s transport method is ideal, making it effortless for visitors to travel around for sightseeing or shopping. Here are some of the finest places to visit in Jaffna.

  1. 纳鲁尔·坎达萨米·科维尔
  2. 贾夫纳堡
  3. 那伽提帕寺
  4. 贾夫纳葡萄种植体验
  5. 春迪库拉姆国家公园
  6. 贾夫纳考古博物馆
  7. 贾夫纳王国遗址
  8. 哈门海尔堡
  9. 佩德罗角灯塔
  10. 克里玛莱圣水泉
  11. Maruthanamadam Anjaneyar Kovil
  12. 贾夫纳公共图书馆
  13. 代尔夫特岛
  14. Kantharodai Vihara – Kadurugoda 寺
  15. 马纳卡杜海滩
  16. 代尔夫特荷兰堡
  17. 皇后塔
  18. 代尔夫特野马
  19. KKS 海滩
  20. 鸽子窝
  21. 马厩
  22. 博圣寺
  23. 尼拉瓦莱无底井
  24. 萨拉萨莱红树林生态系统
  25. 佩里亚曼达帕姆石灰岩洞穴
  26. 马纳卡杜沙丘
  27. 卡拉维迪泻湖
  28. 塞尔瓦·萨尼迪·穆鲁甘神庙
  29. 丹巴科拉帕图纳神庙
  30. 成长石
  31. 木麻黄海滩
  32. 查蒂海滩
  33. 纳加科维尔海滩
  34. 瓦拉塔拉贾佩鲁马尔神庙
  35. Nagapooshani安曼寺
  36. 贾夫纳钟楼
  37. 大象关战争纪念馆

1. Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil Temple

Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil

This temple is dedicated to God Murugan, the God of war, named the philosopher-warrior God. He is the son of renowned Shiva and Parvati and is the brother of Ganesh. This temple is one of the numerous famous temples in Sri Lanka. The invaders had destroyed it many times, though it has always been rebuilt. This temple hosts one of the most popular festivals called the “纳鲁节“. It is established in the city’s centre, and the male visitors must enter the temple topless to respect God Murugan.

2. 贾夫纳堡


贾夫纳堡由葡萄牙人建造,是斯里兰卡最受欢迎的建筑之一,见证了最重要的战斗。在斯里兰卡长达 25 年的内战中,贾夫纳堡多次遭到袭击、枪击和部分地区的毁坏。它看到的第一次遭遇是在 1658 年,当时荷兰人入侵了堡垒并占领了它。这座堡垒目睹了如此多的混乱,并有如此多的小说要确定。克鲁伊斯教堂由荷兰人于 1706 年在堡垒内建立,并一直持续到 1990 年代。目前,荷兰政府正在投资将这座教堂恢复到以前的辉煌。



佛陀访问了那加迪帕岛,以解决 Chulodara 和 Mahodara 之间关于镶嵌宝石的宝座的争端。佛陀向两位国王传授慈悲的“法”。两位国王对“法”感到惊讶,他们结束了争论,将镶嵌宝石的权威交给了佛陀。据推测,佛陀将这个宝座授予了凯拉尼亚的统治者,他祝福了它并建造了 凯拉尼亚神庙,现在位于科伦坡附近。




5. 春迪库拉姆国家公园


以前被称为春迪库拉姆保护区,现在,斯里兰卡政府将附近的众多森林连接起来,于 2015 年制定了一个更大的保护区,作为春迪库拉姆国家公园。该公园拥有广泛的红树林沼泽和海草床。在公园里可以看到的许多鸟类是黑尾鹬、黑翅高跷、棕头鸥、普通鹬、大火烈鸟等。公园里还可以看到鹿和鳄鱼。声明表示,豹子和熊生活在春迪库拉姆国家公园内,但不容易被发现,因为它们不习惯游客,而且非常害羞。



与其他相比 斯里兰卡博物馆,一个小型博物馆收藏了罕见的佛教和印度教文物。这些工艺品由木头、金属和石头制成。这是了解贾夫纳王国失落文化的绝佳地点。博物馆还设有文化厅。许多参观过博物馆的人评论说,这与其说是博物馆,不如说是收藏品。

7. 贾夫纳王国遗址


Sankillian Thoppu had been the central entrance to the ancient castle of Jaffna, and regrettably, only the gate still stands. The icons of King Sankillian riding a horse with a sword in hand can be observed in the town. Additionally, the Rajamantri Palace is believed to be the manor house of an old minister from the king’s court. Structurally it is a two-story home, but due to the place being ignored, the secondary story is no more. Portions of the staircase that led up to the second floor can be viewed from some house areas. 

8. 哈门海尔堡


这是葡萄牙历史最悠久的堡垒之一,直到 1980 年代也被用作监狱。现在堡垒就像一个度假胜地,它们为您提供在牢房中小睡的舒适感。如果您想在夜间“被关起来”,那么这将是理想的地方,因为 100% 保证您可以随时离开牢房。

9. 佩德罗角灯塔


佩德罗角是斯里兰卡最北端,面向孟加拉湾。灯塔由英国人于 1916 年建造,高 105 英尺。斯里兰卡海军在附近有一个大本营,灯塔旁边有一座重要的通讯塔。然而,灯塔已经破败不堪,楼梯也很多地方都坏了。因此,现在没有人爬到灯塔的顶部。

10. 克里玛莱圣水泉


Keerimalai Sacred Water Springs靠近Naguleshwaram kovil。温泉分为两部分,大池供男性使用,小池为女性使用。当地人认为这些泉水具有治愈疾病的功效。参观水泉的最佳时间是清晨,在人群到来之前。尽管这个池塘与印度洋仅隔着一堵薄墙,但泉水是纯净的,没有混入咸水。 

11. Maruthanamadam Anjaneyar Kovil

Maruthanamadam Anjaneyar Kovil


斯里兰卡罕见的哈努曼勋爵 kovil 之一是 Maruthana 女士 Anjaneyar kovil,位于 Jaffna-Kankesanturai 路上的 Maruthanamadam 十字路口附近。 Brahmachari Hanuman 是史诗《罗摩衍那》中描绘的中心人物之一。现在,在该岛的远边之一,您可以看到一尊 72 英尺高的哈努曼勋爵雕像,从很远的地方都可以看到。除了每天在寺庙里举行的祭祀活动之外,周二和周六还提供特别祭祀活动,供奉哈奴曼勋爵。

12. 贾夫纳公共图书馆


The Jaffna Public Library, established about 2km from Jaffna town, is one of the city’s significant attractions. Built-in 1933.
Throughout the beginning 1980s, it was one of the most extensive libraries in Asia, including over 97,000 books and manuscripts. In 2001, the Library’s renovation was completed, with a new building being developed and new books introduced, although its old books and papers were not replaced. It is Sri Lanka’s next main public Library.
在当时的内战中,图书馆于 1981 年被烧毁,图书馆的许多有价值的组成部分都被大火烧毁了。 2001年,图书馆主要进行了修复,新建了馆藏,制作了数千册新书。可悲的是,旧书和文件没有被转换。
贾夫纳图书馆的影响力上升,因为国际和国内学者更喜欢它,但最重要的是,它是泰米尔社区的文化中心。此外,图书馆还收藏有无价的文件,例如现存唯一的 Yalpanam Vaipavama 副本,这是泰米尔语作家 Mayilvagana Pulavar 于 1736 年撰写的关于贾夫纳的故事。

13. 代尔夫特岛


Neduntheevu or Nedunthivu is an island in the Park in northern Sri Lanka. Unlike the other islands, this island is named Delft in the Admiralty Chart, whose symptoms are Tamil. The island’s area is 50 km², and it is almost oval-shaped. Its length is 8 km, and its maximum width is about 6 km.

14. Kantharodai Vihara – Kadurugoda 寺

Kantharodai Vihara – Kadurugoda 寺

古老的 Kadurugoda Viharaya 是当今贾夫纳少数几个古老的佛教场所之一。
Kadurugoda 遗址于 1917 年由地方法官 PE Pieris 发现。他报告说,该地区的居民正在用推车装载该地区的砖块来建造房屋。 1917-1919年出土了祠堂遗迹、部分佛像、菩萨像、佛足印、前基督教时代的钱币。 


15. 马纳卡杜海滩


海滩旁边有一个渔村,依附在 Manalkadu 沙丘上,其废墟隐藏在里面;著名的一座是荷兰人建造的圣安东尼教堂。这是一个很长的海滩,非常适合在海浪旁散步。

16. 代尔夫特荷兰堡


拉尔夫·亨利·巴塞特 (Ralph Henry Bassett) 在他的《浪漫锡兰:它的历史、传奇和故事》一书中详细解释了代尔夫特荷兰堡。它最初被认为是由葡萄牙人在占领锡兰期间建造的,拉尔夫将其描述为“强大的堡垒”。我们强烈推荐这本书作为您在斯里兰卡旅行的一些优质阅读材料,以帮助您通过欧洲旅行者的眼睛了解殖民时期的生活。

17. 皇后塔


There is some consideration as to whether the Dutch or British originally built this tower during their occupation of Ceylon. The Queen’s building was constructed to serve as a point of recognition for oncoming ships to help them safely navigate the waters. A fire would arrive at the base of its 55-foot-tall construction, and its light would be matched up through the tower and redirected towards the oncoming ships. There is also evidence to suggest that the British had been using another building known as the King’s Tower, which has since been demolished.

18. 代尔夫特野马


It is exciting to see how an animal species entirely alien to this island have made their home here for the last 300 years. The Delft Wild Horses were formerly brought here by the Portuguese for trading purposes and to bolster their army. Since the Portuguese occupation’s end, these 2000+ wild horses have roamed around and enjoyed blocking the non-existent traffic by walking along the roads. The sanctuary laws within the island allow this luxury by providing them with protection, food and water to sustain them.

19. KKS 海滩

KKS 海滩

KKS 或 Kankasanthurai 有另一个延伸的海滩和水晶般清澈的海洋。这个海滩成功地成为斯里兰卡海军的海军中心。但现在,这是一个适合家庭的海滩,许多当地人前来参观。所以海滩并不拥挤。也可以从背景中观察 KKS 灯塔。这是一个很棒的渔村,海港就在附近。

20. 鸽子窝


During colonial times, birds were used for communication. Pigeons are said to have a good memory, and hence they have been used to fly from one location to the other. It’s a one-hour boat ride from Delft Island to the mainland, and to think that pigeons flew over the Indian ocean for over an hour. The note was written on a bit of paper and tied to the pigeon’s leg. This pigeon’s nest has been constructed using corals from the ocean by the Dutch.

21. 马厩

These 100-meter-long horse stables have been made by the Dutch to shield their horses.

这些 100 米长的马厩是荷兰人用来保护马匹的。马匹被带到上面的柱子已经经受了时间的考验,但你可以观察到这些柱子中有64根有32根或两边。这些马匹已被训练用于军队,也已从商人处获得。

22. 博圣寺


位于阿努拉德普勒 (Anuradhapura) 的圣菩提树是世界上现存最古老的树木,种植日期已知。这棵菩提树是佛祖成道的菩提树的新芽。神圣的菩提树树苗是由“Sangamiththa Thero”从印度带到斯里兰卡的。据说在去斯里兰卡的路上,他们在这个后来建了一座寺庙的地方停了下来。这是岛上最高的地方。如今,这座寺庙已经破败不堪。

23. Nilavarai 无底井


关于这口无底井是如何创建的,有很多故事。许多欧洲专业潜水员曾试图用专业装备到达这口井的底部,但由于井继续无休止地工作,他们放弃了。当地人说这口井的水位永远不会下降。有些人认为这口井与 Keeramalai 池塘相连。 

24. 萨拉萨莱红树林生态系统




25. Periya Mandapam Limestone Caves


贾夫纳有一个天然洞穴系统,称为 Periya Mandapam 石灰岩洞穴。即使对于当地人来说,这也是一个鲜为人知的地方。洞口中央有一棵大树,为门遮阳。政府并没有做出任何努力将这些洞穴建设成一个景点,因此之前没有做过很多研究。我们建议您乘坐梯子进入入口,从外面探索洞穴,不要进去,因为没人知道那里会发生什么。 

26. 马纳卡杜沙丘


这是一片梦幻般的沙丘,在特定点上高达 16 米。许多废墟埋在这些沙丘中,其中之一是荷兰时代的一座古老的天主教堂,供奉圣安东尼教堂。当沙丘不时移动时,可以观察到教堂的墙壁。

27. 卡拉维迪泻湖


Karaveddy 在当地泰米尔语中也被称为“沿海地带”,靠近佩德罗角。泻湖吸引了几种季节性和地方性鸟类。这里是观鸟的绝佳场所,也适合拍摄日出和日落。 

28. Selva Sanidhi Murugan 寺


The Pada Yatra or the Foot Journey is a 2-month extended walking route started by devotees to show their gods’ respect. People travel from one sacred site to the other, and it is a very long and challenging route. The devotees attend from the North to the South of the island on footing. They start the trip from Selva Sanidhi Murugan Temple and end off in Kataragama temple. They begin from Jaffna, then walk through Trincomalee and Batticaloa and within the adhesive forests of Yala national park filled with bears, leopards and elephants. The only occasion that the Government allows anyone to walk inside Yala national park is joining the Pada Yatra. This temple is dedicated to God Murugan.

29. 丹巴科拉帕图纳神庙


Sangamiththa thero 带着来自印度树上的神圣菩提树苗抵达斯里兰卡,佛陀在此树下成道。当国王 Devanampiyatissa 来到 Dambakolapatuna 迎接 Sangamiththa thero 并护送他们去时,该国的国王和统治者 阿努拉德普勒 种下至今屹立不倒的菩提树。

30. 成长石


与 Nagapooshani Amman kovil 的生长石一样,代尔夫特岛还有另一种鲜为人知的生长石。这块石头背后的历史随着时间的流逝而消失了,但在岛上生活了一辈子的当地老人告诉他们,他们已经看到这块石头多年来的生长。当地人崇拜这块石头,它被认为是一个点燃灯和供品的小神社。




32. 查蒂海滩


受欢迎的海滩,满是白色的沙滩、椰子树和棕榈树。距贾夫纳市 20 分钟车程,该地区也被称为 Kayts。附近有几个海滩度假村,这使游客可以从他们的酒店更好地进入这个海滩。此外,沿海岸还有许多小屋,可以让游客在晒黑时休息。

33. 纳加科维尔海滩


Nagarkovil 海滩与贾夫纳 (Jaffna) 的古风以一种重要的方式结合在一起。可以在海滩上观察到 Ayyanaar 神庙的遗迹。据说很久以前建造了一座耆那教寺庙,随着时间的推移,海滩已经腐烂,现在这座寺庙在印度洋的水下。另一个带有村庄的白色沙滩附近有一个受欢迎的 Murugan kovil 庆祝活动。

34. 瓦拉塔拉贾佩鲁马尔神庙


The temple is devoted to Lord Perumal, another name for Lord Vishnu, one of Hinduism’s principal deities. Lord Vishnu is the genius of this universe, whereas Lord Shiva is recognized as the destroyer and Lord Brahma is the creator. Every year two local festivals occur in August and December. On Sundays, you can see a lot of believers gathering at this temple for its weekly pooja.

35. Nagapooshani 安曼寺


根据Energy Worship/Shaktism,根据印度教中以女神为中心的教育Energy Worship/Shaktism,社会中有51个神圣的纪念碑。在这51座神殿中,许多在印度,其中7座在孟加拉国,3座在巴基斯坦,3座在尼泊尔,1座在西藏,1座在斯里兰卡。 Naagapooshani安曼神庙是性力教宣布的斯里兰卡唯一圣地。 Nagapooshani Amman 寺庙最早是由一位印度哲学家于 9 世纪用 Shakti Peetha Stotram 写成的。那就是寺庙的古老和流行可以追溯到多远。

36. Jaffna Clock Tower


The Jaffna Clock Tower, standing majestically in the heart of Jaffna, serves not only as a reminder of the past but also as a beacon of cultural identity for the people of northern Sri Lanka. Erected to commemorate the royal visit of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales in 1875, the tower has since become a central landmark, infused with historical significance and local pride. Let’s explore the rich history, architectural splendor, and cultural importance of this iconic structure.

37. Elephant Pass War Memorial


Located at a strategic juncture in northern Sri Lanka, the Elephant Pass War Memorial stands as a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by the Sri Lankan military. This grand structure, over 42-feet tall, commands respect and contemplation, featuring symbolic elements that are rich in meaning and history. Let’s explore the profound significance, stunning design, and the emotional impact of this memorial, which honors the bravery of those who defended their country.

推荐阅读: 斯里兰卡最吸引人的地方

                                 努沃勒埃利耶的 32 个景点 

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