
Independence Memorial Museum


Independence Memorial Museum is located in Colombo, Sri Lanka. It has a collection from the origin of Sri Lankan civilization till the current times for about 25 centuries; the service provided by the Sri Lankans to uplift and sustain their political, economic, social, cultural and human freedom is limitless. The difficulties they courageously faced on such occurrences present an instance and treasure to the future generation.
The aims and purposes of this exhibition constitute the rekindling of our pride and remind us of the excellent efforts conducted over the centuries until 1972 when we retrieved in winnings independence, on our national protagonists also their bio-sketches, for the privilege of the future generations.

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The Concept of the Independence Memorial Museum

The Independence Memorial Museum was established to preserve history and educate future generations about the nation's struggles for freedom. The museum's objectives are twofold: to rekindle a sense of pride in national heroes' achievements and provide a comprehensive understanding of their contributions through their biographical sketches. By doing so, the museum aims to inspire and instil a deep appreciation for the hard-fought freedom that Sri Lankans enjoy today.

Exploring the Memorial Hall

Located within the premises of Independence Square, the Independence Memorial Museum awaits visitors who seek a glimpse into Sri Lanka's history. The museum is discreetly tucked away behind a brown door, ensuring a serene and tranquil atmosphere within its walls. Stepping inside, visitors are greeted by stone busts of the courageous individuals who played instrumental roles in Sri Lanka's fight for independence. Among them is the revered leader of the Uva Rebellion of 1818, Monaravila Keppatipola Nilame, whose legacy stands as a testament to the nation's unwavering spirit.

Historical Significance of Independence Square

Independence Square, beyond its historical significance, has also transformed into a vibrant recreational park. While preserving its historical integrity, the square offers visitors a well-maintained space where they can immerse themselves in the nation's past and present. The preservation efforts have ensured that the square remains a symbol of national pride and a cherished destination for both locals and tourists.

Activities and Amenities at Independence Square

Apart from its historical monuments and museums, Independence Square provides a range of activities and amenities for visitors. The immaculate lawns offer an inviting setting for relaxation and recreation. Families and friends can gather for picnics, enjoying the tranquility amidst the bustling city. For those seeking physical activity, the square offers ample space for exercise, making it an ideal spot for jogging, walking, or engaging in outdoor sports.

Additionally, Independence Square hosts various food options, catering to different tastes and preferences. Visitors can savor local delicacies or choose from international cuisines, ensuring a satisfying culinary experience. The square's careful planning and attention to detail have created a harmonious blend of historical significance and contemporary recreational offerings.

Proximity to Colombo and Accessibility

Independence Square's strategic location places it in close proximity to Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka. Situated just 3.4 kilometers away, the square is easily accessible within a 15-minute drive. Its convenience makes it an attractive destination for both locals and tourists who wish to explore the nation's history and indulge in the tranquil atmosphere of the park.

The Independence Memorial Museum and the surrounding Independence Square serve as a testament to the unwavering spirit of Sri Lankans throughout history. By commemorating the struggles and sacrifices made by national heroes, the museum rekindles a sense of pride among the populace and imparts valuable lessons to future generations. Whether visitors seek to immerse themselves in history, enjoy recreational activities, or simply unwind amidst serene surroundings, Independence Square offers a unique blend of past and present.


1. What is the purpose of the Independence Memorial Museum? The purpose of the Independence Memorial Museum is to preserve Sri Lanka's history and educate future generations about the nation's struggles for freedom.

2. How can visitors access the museum? Visitors can access the Independence Memorial Museum through a brown door located within the memorial hall at Independence Square.

3. What can visitors expect to see at the memorial hall? At the memorial hall, visitors can view stone busts of national heroes, including Monaravila Keppatipola Nilame, the leader of the Uva Rebellion of 1818.

4. Is Independence Square a popular recreational spot? Yes, Independence Square has transformed into a popular recreational park, offering immaculate lawns, food options, and ample space for exercise and relaxation.

5. How far is Independence Square from Colombo? Independence Square is located approximately 3.4 kilometers away from Colombo and can be reached within a 15-minute drive.


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