
Mulkirigala Rock Monastery


Mulkirigala Rock Monastery is huddled on the cliffs of a 600ft rock, surrounded by jungle and viewed by families of monkeys; the series of caves and structures have played a vital role in Buddhism and Sri Lankan history.
Buddha statues and ancient murals within cave walls depicting Lord Buddha’s life and stories from the popular Jataka stories.

The origins of the temple are unclear. However, local legend says that King Saddhatissa was hunting near the rock when a villager told him of an impressive rock fit for a grand temple. So the king agreed and built the temple during the 3rd century, naming it Mu Kivu Gala. It was later converted known of Mulkirigala.

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The Rich Heritage of Mulkirigala Rock Temple

A Journey Through Time: From King Kawantissa to King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe

The history of Mulkirigala Rock Monastery dates back over 2,000 years to King Kawantissa, a renowned ruler of the Ruhuna Kingdom. King Kawantissa is said to have recognized the spiritual significance of the rock and initiated the construction of the first cave temple. Throughout the centuries, various kings, including King Devanampiyatissa, King Dutugemunu, and King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe, contributed to the development and preservation of the temple.

The Kandyan Era Marvels: Art and Architecture

During the Kandyan Era, from the 15th to the 19th century, Mulkirigala Rock Monastery experienced significant growth and flourished as a center of Buddhist art and architecture. The cave temples were adorned with intricate frescoes, sculptures, and woodwork, showcasing the remarkable artistic skills of the craftsmen of that era. The murals depict scenes from Buddhist mythology, Jataka tales, and the life of Lord Buddha, providing a visual narrative of ancient Sri Lankan culture.

Cave Temples: A Glimpse into Ancient Buddhist Iconography

The cave temples at Mulkirigala Rock Monastery serve as a treasure trove of ancient Buddhist iconography. The statues, paintings, and carvings found within these sacred spaces depict important Buddhist figures, mythical creatures, celestial beings, and historical events. They offer insight into the religious beliefs, cultural practices, and artistic traditions of ancient Sri Lanka.

Exploring Mulkirigala Rock Monastery

An Enchanting Path to Lower Terrace

To begin your exploration, follow the well-marked path that leads to the Lower Terrace of Mulkirigala Rock Monastery. As you ascend, take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty of the surroundings and the peaceful atmosphere surrounding the area.

Lower Terrace: Witnessing Ancient Marvels

Upon reaching the Lower Terrace, immerse yourself in the historical wonders that await. Explore the ancient cave temples, admire the intricate artwork and paintings, and connect with the spiritual energy that permeates the air. Take your time to absorb the serenity and significance of these sacred spaces.

Bodhi Tree Terrace: Embracing Tranquility

Continue your ascent to the Bo Tree Terrace, where the majestic Bodhi Tree stands tall, offering shade and tranquillity. Take a moment to meditate or bask in the peaceful ambience that surrounds this sacred site. Marvel at the craftsmanship of the statues and reliefs that adorn the area, each telling a unique story.

Cave Terrace: Unveiling the Past

The Cave Terrace beckons you to explore its hidden treasures. Discover the awe-inspiring cave temples, gaze upon the ancient paintings that adorn the walls, and marvel at the skilful craftsmanship displayed in the sculptures and carvings. Allow yourself to be transported to a bygone era, where art and spirituality merge seamlessly.

Ascending to the Summit

The unfolding panoramic views are breathtaking as you ascend to the uppermost terraces. Take a moment to soak in the beauty of the surrounding landscape, the distant mountains, and the lush greenery that stretches as far as the eye can see. It is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of nature and spirituality.

Dagoba Terrace: Culmination of Spiritual Journey

The journey through Mulkirigala Rock Monastery culminates at the Dagoba Terrace, where the grand stupa stands as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. Pay homage to the sacred site, offer your prayers, and reflect upon the profound teachings of Lord Buddha. Feel a sense of tranquillity and fulfilment as you conclude your exploration of this historical gem.

Preserving the Legacy

Efforts have been made to preserve and protect the cultural and historical significance of Mulkirigala Rock Monastery. Conservation projects, maintenance work, and ongoing research ensure that this invaluable heritage site continues to be appreciated by future generations. It stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Sri Lanka's rich cultural heritage.

Mulkirigala Rock Monastery is a magnificent testament to Sri Lanka's rich history and spiritual heritage. Its cave temples, exquisite artwork, and breathtaking natural surroundings offer a captivating journey through time. As you explore this ancient treasure, you cannot help but be mesmerized by the intricate details, profound spirituality, and timeless beauty that define Mulkirigala Rock Monastery. A visit to this historical gem is a pilgrimage for the soul, leaving visitors with a deep appreciation for the cultural heritage of Sri Lanka.



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