Yala National Park
National Park
Yala National Park is the most beloved national park in Sri Lanka, and it is spread across two provinces, particularly Uva & Southern. It lies within Monaragala & Hambantota districts.Yala National Park includes about 97,880.7 hectares, the diverse ecosystem extending from the Moist Monsoon Forest to the different natural compartments. Yala was identified as a protected area in 1900, and it was 389 km2 at that time. In 1909 Yala was named as Sanctuary and get a gazette as a National Park on 25 th February 1938.
Yala is located in the deepest peneplain of the island. The peneplain, which is flat and lightly surging, encompasses the hill country. Yala is situated in one of the agroecological zones, and the dry period is long and rough. A significant rainy period for this region is the North-East monsoon which occurs from October to January. The base total yearly rainfall of Yala is about 1281mm. Average monthly rainfall varies from a low of 153.6mm in January to a high of 268.8mm.
Bike Parking
Entry Fees : 10 USD to 20 USD
Parking Available
Required Time for Explore: Half Day
Toilets Available