Binara Full Moon Poya Day is a special and serene day celebrated by Buddhists in Sri Lanka every September. This day shines a light on some key moments in Buddhist history, making it a day of reflection and reverence.
One of the most significant events remembered on this day is the founding of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, the community of Buddhist nuns. It all began when the Buddha’s stepmother, Mahapajapati Gotami, requested to join the monastic life. The Buddha granted her wish, opening the path for women to become fully ordained nuns, which was a groundbreaking moment in ancient times.
On Binara Poya, Buddhists come together to visit temples, offer food to monks, meditate, and chant. It’s a day to pause from the hustle and bustle of life and focus on inner peace, equality, and kindness, all core teachings of Buddhism.
For many Sri Lankans, Binara Full Moon Poya Day is not just a day off, but a chance to connect with their spiritual roots and find tranquility in the teachings of the Buddha. It’s a day of calm, contemplation, and a gentle reminder of the values that guide their lives.