


Thunhisgala is the sixth-highest peak in the Knuckles Mountain Range in Sri Lanka. Though not widely known among mainstream tourists, this peak has earned a revered spot among local hikers and mountaineers. Rising to an impressive 1617 meters above sea level, Thunhisgala offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for those willing to conquer its rugged paths.

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Thunhisgala, also known to some as Kalupahana, commands a strategic position straddling the Kandy and Matale districts. This peak, though lesser known, serves as a natural border, defining the region's unique topography. At 1617 meters, it promises breathtaking views and a formidable hiking experience.

Geographical Importance

The mountain's location within the Knuckles Forest Range underscores its geographical significance. This range is a biodiversity hotspot renowned for its rich flora and fauna, making Thunhisgala a vital part of this natural sanctuary. Its position at the crossroads of two districts adds to its allure, offering diverse landscapes and ecosystems to explore.

Hiking Trails to Thunhisgala

Three primary routes lead adventurers to the summit of Thunhisgala:

  • Via Wattegama, Bambarella, and Lebanon Estate: This route is most recommended due to its relative accessibility and scenic beauty. Buses from Wattegama to Bambarella facilitate the journey, but the final stretch demands a ten-kilometre trek through the rugged terrain.
  • Via Meemure: Known for its challenging terrain, this less frequented route offers a more intimate encounter with the dense forest. A guide is essential for navigating this path.
  • Via Riverston, Atanwala, and Duwili Ella: This route is equally demanding. It takes hikers through some of the most picturesque yet tough landscapes in the Knuckles Range. Again, a knowledgeable guide is crucial for a safe hike.
Preparation for the Hike

Proper preparation is the cornerstone of a successful Thunhisgala hike. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Essential Gear: Sturdy hiking boots, trekking poles, and a durable backpack are must-haves. Additionally, a first-aid kit, flashlight, and multi-tool can be lifesavers.
  • Food and Water Requirements: Pack enough dry food and at least two litres of water per person. The trail has few water sources, necessitating careful planning.
  • Weather Considerations: The weather in the Knuckles Range can be unpredictable. Carry rain gear and layered clothing to adapt to varying conditions.
Hiking Experience

Your adventure begins at the Lebanon Estate, the last human settlement before the wilderness takes over. The hike initially takes you through lush greenery, with Rathnagiriya Mountain and Wind Mountain as notable landmarks.

Starting Point: Lebanon Estate

Lebanon Estate marks the end of civilization on this route. From here, the real journey begins as you enter the dense forest. The trail is challenging, demanding both physical endurance and mental resilience.

Journey through Rathnagiriya Mountain and Wind Mountain

The path to Thunhisgala traverses Rathnagiriya and Wind Mountain. While lower, these peaks offer their challenges and scenic rewards. The route is dotted with thick vegetation and rocky outcrops, providing a diverse hiking experience.

KMP Wadiya: Historical Significance

About 5-6 kilometres from the Lebanon Estate lies KMP Wadiya, an old house built by cardamom planters in the late 20th century. This location serves as a historical reminder of the area's once-thriving cardamom industry, which was later banned to protect the Knuckles Forest.

Camping at KMP Wadiya

KMP Wadiya provides basic amenities for hikers. With 4-5 rooms available, it is an ideal spot to rest and recharge before the final ascent. The facilities, though rustic, offer a unique charm and an opportunity to bond with fellow hikers over a campfire meal.

Final Ascent to Thunhisgala

The climb to Thunhisgala's peak is arduous, cutting through dense forest and steep inclines. The flora here is unique, with dwarf trees dominating the landscape. The final stretch tests your limits but rewards you with unparalleled views.

Panoramic Views from the Peak

Reaching the summit of Thunhisgala is a moment of triumph. The panoramic views stretch across the Knuckles Mountain Range, highlighting prominent peaks like the Five Peaks of Knuckles, Lakegala, Wamarapugala, Gombaniya, and Manigala. This breathtaking vista is a photographer's dream and a fitting reward for the challenging climb.

Local Legends and History

Thunhisgala, meaning "three-sided rock" in Sinhala, carries a rich cultural legacy. The name reflects the mountain's distinctive shape and deep connection to local lore. Stories and legends about this peak abound, adding a layer of mystique to your hiking adventure.

Best Time to Hike

The optimal months for hiking Thunhisgala are September, October, March, and April. These periods offer the best weather conditions, with clear skies and manageable temperatures. The rainy season from November to February poses significant challenges due to slippery trails and aggressive leeches.

Safety Precautions

Hiking Thunhisgala demands respect for its dangers. Always hike with an experienced guide to navigate the complex trails and avoid hazards like leeches, snakes, and dangerous plants. Proper preparation and a cautious approach are essential for a safe and enjoyable hike.

Environmental Protection

The Knuckles Mountain Range is protected, and hikers must adhere to strict conservation guidelines. Avoid littering and damaging the natural environment. Bringing back all trash, especially non-biodegradable items like polythene is a must. Respect the wildlife and plants, ensuring your presence does not disrupt the ecosystem.


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