
Tourist Arrivals in Sri Lanka Till End of May 2024

Sri Lanka’s tourism industry has shown remarkable resilience and growth in 2024. As of May 30th, the country welcomed 893,316 tourists, a significant achievement reflecting the sector’s recovery and expansion. This article delves into the monthly tourist arrival statistics, highlights the top source markets, and examines the factors contributing to Sri Lanka’s burgeoning tourism industry.

Monthly Tourist Arrivals in Sri Lanka 2024

Sri Lanka experienced a notable increase in tourist arrivals in the first five months of 2024. January saw 208,253 visitors, marking a 103.1% increase compared to the same period in 2023. February continued this positive trend with 218,350 arrivals, a 102.8% rise from the previous year. March recorded 209,181 tourists, reflecting a 66.7% increase.

However, April and May witnessed a decline in numbers, with 148,867 and 108,665 arrivals, respectively. Despite this drop, the cumulative figures until the end of May indicate a robust recovery in tourism, especially when considering the global challenges faced in recent years.

Top Source Markets for Sri Lanka in May 2024

India emerged as Sri Lanka’s leading source market, with 31,225 tourists, representing 28.7% of total arrivals in May. The Maldives followed with 7,984 visitors (7.3%), while the United Kingdom contributed 7,844 tourists (7.2%). Other significant contributors included Germany (7,374 tourists, 6.8%), China (7,180 tourists, 6.6%), and Australia (5,231 tourists, 4.8%).

Top Source Markets for Sri Lanka from January to May 2024

India remained the top source market from January to May, contributing 154,808 tourists. The Russian Federation followed with 110,412 visitors and the United Kingdom with 79,836 tourists. Germany and China were also significant contributors, with 65,393 and 54,910 tourists, respectively.

Tourist Arrivals by Region


Europe remains the dominant source region for Sri Lanka’s tourism, accounting for 51.2% of total arrivals. This significant share underscores the solid historical and cultural connections between Sri Lanka and European countries. The top European source markets include the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Russia.

Asia and the Pacific

Asia and the Pacific region contribute 39.2% of tourist arrivals, with countries like India, China, and Australia playing key roles. Their proximity to Sri Lanka and strong cultural and economic ties have fueled this region’s tourism growth.

The Americas

The Americas account for 6.7% of tourist arrivals, with the United States and Canada being the primary contributors. The interest from these countries reflects the increasing recognition of Sri Lanka as a desirable tourist destination in the Western Hemisphere.

The Middle East and Africa

The Middle East and Africa contribute smaller shares to tourist arrivals, with 1.9% and 0.9%, respectively. Though minor contributors, these regions hold potential for future growth as Sri Lanka diversifies its tourism markets.

Tourist Arrivals in Sri Lanka Till End of May 2024 and Purpose of Visit

Tourist Arrivals by Purpose of Visit

Leisure and Vacation

Leisure and vacation remain the primary reasons for tourists visiting Sri Lanka, accounting for 58% of all visits. The country’s stunning beaches, cultural heritage sites, and diverse wildlife attract tourists seeking relaxation and adventure.

Visiting Friends and Family

Visiting friends and family is another significant reason for travel to Sri Lanka, accounting for 8% of visits. This highlights the solid personal connections that Sri Lanka maintains with expatriates and their families.

Business and MICE Tourism

Business tourism and MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) travel constitute a smaller portion of arrivals, with 2% and 5%, respectively. Despite the relatively minor focus on professional engagements, Sri Lanka is gradually gaining prominence as a destination for corporate events.

Niche Tourism

Niche tourism segments, such as health/Ayurvedic and educational experiences, account for 0.8% and 0.04% of visits, respectively. Although small, these niche markets add to the diversity of Sri Lanka’s tourism offerings and attract a unique set of travellers.

Factors Influencing Tourism Growth in Sri Lanka

Improvement in Air Connectivity

One key factor contributing to the growth of tourism in Sri Lanka is the improvement in air connectivity. Enhanced flight routes and increased frequency have made Sri Lanka more accessible to international travellers. This has particularly benefited travellers from Europe and Asia, who constitute the majority of tourists.

Revitalization of Asian Markets

The revitalization of Asian markets has significantly boosted tourist arrivals. Countries like Russia, India and China have shown a strong interest in Sri Lanka, contributing considerably to the total number of visitors. The easing of travel restrictions and increased promotional efforts have further strengthened these markets.

UNWTO Tourism Confidence Index

The latest UNWTO Tourism Confidence Index survey reflects a positive outlook for Sri Lanka’s tourism industry. According to the study, 67% of industry experts expressed optimism for 2024 compared to the preceding year. This optimism is attributed to the release of pent-up demand, improvements in air connectivity, and the revitalization of Asian markets and destinations.

Impact of Global Economic Conditions

Global economic conditions have also influenced tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka. The steady recovery of the global economy has led to increased disposable incomes, allowing more people to travel. Additionally, favourable exchange rates have made Sri Lanka an attractive destination for international tourists.

Future Outlook for Sri Lanka’s Tourism Industry

Projected Growth and Recovery

The outlook for Sri Lanka’s tourism industry in 2024 is optimistic. Projections indicate a full recovery and a growth rate of 2%, surpassing the levels seen in 2019. This anticipated recovery is driven by the release of pent-up demand, improvements in air connectivity, and the revitalization of critical markets.

Strategic Initiatives and Promotional Efforts

Strategic initiatives and promotional efforts by the Sri Lankan government and tourism authorities are expected to play a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing this growth. Efforts to improve infrastructure, enhance the visitor experience, and promote sustainable tourism practices will likely yield positive results.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the positive outlook, the industry must navigate several challenges, including global economic fluctuations, geopolitical tensions, and competition from other destinations. However, Sri Lanka’s unique offerings, such as its rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and warm hospitality, provide ample opportunities to attract and retain tourists.

Leveraging Digital Marketing

Leveraging digital marketing and social media platforms to promote Sri Lanka’s attractions and experiences will be essential in reaching a global audience. Tailored marketing campaigns targeting specific demographics and regions can help increase awareness and interest in Sri Lanka as a premier tourist destination.

The tourism industry in Sri Lanka is on a promising trajectory in 2024, with substantial growth in tourist arrivals and a positive outlook for the future. The country’s diverse attractions, strategic initiatives, and improved connectivity drive this growth. As Sri Lanka continues to enhance its tourism offerings and address challenges, it is well-positioned to achieve sustained success in the global tourism market.

Data Source –  SLTDA

Picture of Ravindu Dilshan Illangakoon

Ravindu Dilshan Illangakoon

As co-founder and Head of Content at Sri Lanka Travel Pages, I ensure that every blog post we publish is AMAZING.

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