Tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka increased in January 2023 and bridging the Targets.

The 105,000 goals for January will “most certainly” be reached, according to Priyantha Fernando, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA), who noted that 62,334 tourists entered Sri Lanka between January 1 and January 19. In addition, Mr Priyantha reported that a pleasant 719,978 tourists visited Sri Lanka in 2022, an increase of 270% from the 194,495 tourists that travelled there in 2021. The SLTDA is also optimistic that the estimated 1.55 million tourists will result in 2.8 billion dollars in income by the end of 2023.

The largest source markets recorded for January were the Russian Federation with around 25%, India (13%), and Germany (9%), followed by United Kindom, France and Australia.

Compared to 2022, daily trends of tourist arrivals increased impressively. With its clean beaches, mosaic topography, and varied environment, Sri Lanka has so much to offer.

In the meantime, Sri Lanka plans to increase domestic tourism to all regions in 2023 with nine “long weekends” that will allow tourists to traverse the island.

Suggested Read: The Most Attractive Places to Visit in Sri Lanka 

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